About Me

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Tempe, Arizona, United States
Dr Robbie Adler-Tapia is a licensed psychologist who specializes in working with clients who have experienced trauma. Even though she works with clients of all ages Dr Robbie specializes in working with young children. Dr Robbie provides therapy for clients with attachment and adoptions issues, child abuse histories, and for law enforcement. She is an EMDR Institute Facilitator and EMDR/HAP Trainer. With the EMDR HAPKIDS Program, Dr. Adler-Tapia volunteers to assist with coordinating research, consultation, and training for therapists working with children internationally. She has also provided specialty trainings on treating attachment and the dissociative sequelae, working with young children in the child welfare system and on EMDR with children. Along with her co-author, Carolyn Settle, Dr. Adler-Tapia is co-author of the book, EMDR and the Art of Psychotherapy With Children and accompanying treatment manual, and a chapter on EMDR with Children in the soon to be released book edited by Allen Rubin and David Springer, The Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice Series, Volume 2, Treatment of Traumatized Adults and Children.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Workshop October 5-6, 2013

Treatment of Attachment Trauma and Dissociation through the Life Span: 

EMDR and Case Conceptualization


Robbie Adler-Tapia, Ph.D.

When earliest relationships are traumatic, attachment injuries can significantly change the trajectory of one’s life. Bonding and attachment are neurobiologically driven survival mechanisms; but when irreconcilable conflict exists within the innate mechanisms of survival and attachment, individuals can experience extreme distress leading to mental health disorders and physical disease. Although these conditions begin in infancy, if untreated they can endure a lifetime. It is so essential that attachment disruptions be addressed in both children and adults experiencing complex trauma reactions, including Axis II conditions and dissociation. EMDR provides a comprehensive, integrative, and effective approach to the treatment of attachment and the dissociative sequelae.

LOCATION: Clarion Hotel and Conference Center
1 Atwood Drive, Northampton, MA 01060
REGISTRATION: abbott-lobenstine.com

Phone: 413-586-1211
Sponsored by
Farnsworth Lobenstine, LICSW
NO EMDR training required. 14 CEs for social workers, LMHCs and LMFTS approved. 14 EMDRIA CEs for persons who have completed EMDR Basic Training have been approved. 14 CEs for psychologists pending.
7:30am-8:15am Registration and
Continental Breakfast
8:30am-12pm and 1pm-5pm Workshop
8:00am Continental Breakfast
8:30am-12pm and 1pm-5pm Workshop
12:00-1:00pm Lunch (both days)