About Me

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Tempe, Arizona, United States
Dr Robbie Adler-Tapia is a licensed psychologist who specializes in working with clients who have experienced trauma. Even though she works with clients of all ages Dr Robbie specializes in working with young children. Dr Robbie provides therapy for clients with attachment and adoptions issues, child abuse histories, and for law enforcement. She is an EMDR Institute Facilitator and EMDR/HAP Trainer. With the EMDR HAPKIDS Program, Dr. Adler-Tapia volunteers to assist with coordinating research, consultation, and training for therapists working with children internationally. She has also provided specialty trainings on treating attachment and the dissociative sequelae, working with young children in the child welfare system and on EMDR with children. Along with her co-author, Carolyn Settle, Dr. Adler-Tapia is co-author of the book, EMDR and the Art of Psychotherapy With Children and accompanying treatment manual, and a chapter on EMDR with Children in the soon to be released book edited by Allen Rubin and David Springer, The Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice Series, Volume 2, Treatment of Traumatized Adults and Children.

Saturday, December 29, 2012



WHEN:  Friday/Saturday, March 1 & 2, 2013

WHERE: Marina Village Conference Center
1936 Quivira Way, San Diego, CA 92109

Workshop Overview

This workshop will focus on basic and advanced skills in adhering to the EMDR protocol in the treatment of first responders exposed to trauma in the line of duty. The practice of caring for the emotional and physical needs of professionals exposed to life and death situations and the most difficult of human suffering takes its toll on those in the trenches. In these inimitable circumstances, the exposure can lead to direct traumas and/or vicarious trauma for the professional.  By working in law enforcement, fire sciences, emergency services, 911 operators, emergency room staff (including doctors and nurses), child welfare workers, and even psychotherapists, these professionals experience direct or secondary trauma from their work environment. Case conceptualization will be presented through the lens of the Adaptive Information Processing Model (AIP) adhering to the EMDR 8 phase protocol. Participants will learn how to develop a comprehensive treatment plan with methods for Resource Development Installation (RDI) and Cognitive Interweaves specific to first responders. This interactive workshop includes videos, and didactic material, to deepen participants’ understanding of how to implement EMDR and enhance their skills in working with first responders.


Fees:  $295 if received by February 15th, 2103
            $325 if received thereafter


Completion of EMDRIA-approved basic training required. If you did not receive your EMDR training from the EMDR Institute, please fax proof of completion to Susan Brown with your registration.

Current research is limited to application of EMDR to trauma-related disorders.

This workshop is held in facilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please notify Susan Brown if special accommodations are needed.

Attendance at the entire 2-day training is required in order to receive EMDRIA CEUs. No partial credit will be given.


14 Continuing Education Credits available as follows:

MFT, LCSW California Board of Behavioral Sciences, Provider # PCE4810

EMDRIA CEUs, provider # 10001

Psychologists: This program is co-sponsored by Sierra Tucson and Susan Brown. Sierra Tucson is approved by the APA to sponsor continuing education for psychologists; Sierra Tucson maintains responsibility for this program. & its content.

Resources for Children and Families Dealing with Trauma, Grief and Loss

The following are resources for children and families to help cope with traumatic grief and loss.  These are but a few links available, while professional support from licensed mental health providers may be necessary for some individuals.

1. http://www.aboutourkids.org/files/articles/crisis_guide02_w_spanish.pdf

2. Apple has a Psychological First Aide App that's free….PFA Mobile…it's great because they can look at Stress Reactions for all age groups…great for everybody. 

3. "When Terrible Things Happen" 

4. Handouts for adults about children's reactions, how to talk to children about the trauma, and resources. http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/aftermath.aspx

5. Psychological First Aide: http://www.nctsn.org/trauma-types/terrorism 

6. Psychological First Aide Survivor Handouts

7. Tips for Talking With and Helping Children and Youth Cope After a Disaster or Traumatic Event

8. Helpful Hints for School Emergency Management: Psychological First Aid (PFA) for Students and Teachers: Listen, Protect, Connect – Model & Teach http://rems.ed.gov/docs/HH_Vol3Issue3.pdf 
Listen, Protect, Connect – Model and Teach

9. Psychological First Aid for Teacher and Students

10. After a Loved One Dies – how children grieve and how parents and other adults can support them: http://www.newyorklife.com/newyorklife.com/General/FileLink/Static%20Files/New%20York%20Life%20Foundation%20Bereavement%20Guide%20-%20After%20a%20Loved%20One%20Dies%20.pdf

11. School Crisis Guide: Help and Healing in a Time of Crisis  

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Treatment of Attachment Trauma and the Dissociative Sequelae Through The Lifespan: EMDR and Case Conceptualization

When earliest relationships are traumatic, attachment
injuries can significantly change the trajectory of one’s
life. Bonding and attachment are neurobiologically
driven survival mechanisms; but when irreconcilable
conflict exists within the innate mechanisms of survival
and attachment, individuals can experience extreme
distress leading to mental health disorders and physical
disease. Although these conditions may begin in infancy,
if untreated they can endure for a lifetime. It is so
essential that attachment disruptions be addressed in
both children and adults experiencing complex trauma
reactions, including Axis II conditions and dissociation.
EMDR provides a comprehensive, integrative, and
effective approach to the treatment of attachment and
the dissociative sequelae.

 List 3 aspects that form the theoretical basis for
conceptualizing treatment with EMDR for children,
adolescents, and adults based on the neurobiological
underpinnings of attachment
 Describe how the Adaptive Information Processing
model addresses the impact of attachment trauma
while providing support for the efficacy of EMDR as an
integrative treatment approach
 Illustrate how therapists integrate treatment strategies
throughout the eight-phase EMDR approach for clients
of all ages suffering from attachment disruptions
 Explore the practical usage of various theories linking
the contribution of attachment trauma to dissociative
symptoms with recommendations for treatment to
successfully repair attachment trauma and to improve
client symptom presentation
 Demonstrate 3 creative treatment techniques for both
improving developmental deficits and infusing an
emotional scaffolding for adaptive resolution of
traumatic experiences through the use of EMDR.
February 25-26, 2012
Reno, Nevada
November 3-4, 2012
Raleigh Durham, North Carolina
8:00-8.30am Registration/Coffee Service
8:30-5:00pm Workshop
12:00-1:00pm Lunch Break (Lunch on own)

EMDR Institute
For more information:

EMDR and the Art of Psychotherapy With Children

Dr Adler-Tapia’s workshop, based on her book and treatment manual, will focus on basic and advanced skills in adhering to the EMDR protocol for treatment of children. Case conceptualization will be presented through the lens of the Adaptive Information Processing Model (AIP). She will explain how to change the language of EMDR to meet the child’s developmental needs, and how to specifically apply the 8 phases with children. Participants will learn how to develop a comprehensive treatment plan and create child-oriented methods for Resource Development Installation (RDI) and Cognitive Interweaves. In addition, Dr Adler-Tapia will discuss child development theory as it applies to the AIP model. Participants will learn how to use EMDR with complex cases and with a variety of special topic areas, including: ADHD, giftedness, OCD, attachment, dissociation, and sexual reactivity. This interactive workshop includes videos, practica, and didactic material, to deepen participants’ understanding of how to implement EMDR with children and enhance their skills in working with children.

 Conceptualize the AIP Model with children
 Demonstrate child languaging for EMDR
 Describe child-oriented methods for RDI, CI, & mapping
 Develop treatment plan using Attachment Genograms, Mapping, & Reverse Protocol
 Describe "Launching targets into the future"
 Explain the stages of child development through the lens of the AIP Model
 Describe EMDR application for complex cases
 Demonstrate 3 creative treatment techniques for both improving developmental deficits and infusing an emotional scaffolding for adaptive resolution of traumatic experiences through the use of EMDR.

8:00-8.30am Registration/Coffee Service
8:30-5:00pm Workshop
12:00-1:00pm Lunch Break (Lunch on own)

This workshop will be offered in multiple locations throughout the US and UK. Additional locations are being added.


April 21-22, 2012
Best Western Rio Grande Inn
1015 Rio Grande Blvd NW
Albuquerque, NM 87104

June 8-9, 2012
Location to be announced

July 13-14, 2012
Historic Plains Hotel
1600 Central Ave
Cheyenne, WY 82001

August 25-26, 2012
DoubleTree Overland Park (Near Kansas City)
10100 College Boulevard
Overland Park KS 66210

Completion of an EMDRIA Approved
Basic Training is required to register.

EMDR Institute Inc
Advanced Clinical
Applications Workshop
Fax: 831-761-1204

New Book on Child Psychotherapy

I am very excited to announce the publication of my new book! This book will be published by Springer Publishing, New York in May of 2012. http://www.springerpub.com/product/9780826106735
Robbie Adler-Tapia
All too often children are diagnosed and medicated without the consideration that their symptoms may actually be a healthy response to stressful life events. This integrative guide for mental health practitioners who work with children underscores the importance of considering the etiology of a child's symptoms within a developmental framework before making a diagnosis. Providing advanced training and skills for working with children, the book guides the therapist, step-by-step, through assessment, treatment planning case conceptualization, and treatment with a focus on the tenets of child development and a consideration of the impact of distressing life events. The book first addresses child development and the evolution of child psychotherapy from the perspectives of numerous disciplines, including recent findings in neurodevelopmental trauma and neurobiology. It discusses assessment measures, the impact of divorce and the forensic/legal environment on clinical practice, recommendations for HIPAA compliance, evidence-based best practices for treating children, and the requirements for an integrated treatment approach. Woven throughout are indications for case conceptualization including consideration of a child's complete environment.
Key Features:
Provides an integrative approach to child psychotherapy from the perspective of healthy development
Offers an alternative to the medical model
Discusses key theories of child development and psychotherapy
Integrates a multimodal approach that considers a child's daily environment
Includes a template for organizing and implementing a successful practice