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Tempe, Arizona, United States
Dr Robbie Adler-Tapia is a licensed psychologist who specializes in working with clients who have experienced trauma. Even though she works with clients of all ages Dr Robbie specializes in working with young children. Dr Robbie provides therapy for clients with attachment and adoptions issues, child abuse histories, and for law enforcement. She is an EMDR Institute Facilitator and EMDR/HAP Trainer. With the EMDR HAPKIDS Program, Dr. Adler-Tapia volunteers to assist with coordinating research, consultation, and training for therapists working with children internationally. She has also provided specialty trainings on treating attachment and the dissociative sequelae, working with young children in the child welfare system and on EMDR with children. Along with her co-author, Carolyn Settle, Dr. Adler-Tapia is co-author of the book, EMDR and the Art of Psychotherapy With Children and accompanying treatment manual, and a chapter on EMDR with Children in the soon to be released book edited by Allen Rubin and David Springer, The Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice Series, Volume 2, Treatment of Traumatized Adults and Children.

Saturday, December 29, 2012



WHEN:  Friday/Saturday, March 1 & 2, 2013

WHERE: Marina Village Conference Center
1936 Quivira Way, San Diego, CA 92109

Workshop Overview

This workshop will focus on basic and advanced skills in adhering to the EMDR protocol in the treatment of first responders exposed to trauma in the line of duty. The practice of caring for the emotional and physical needs of professionals exposed to life and death situations and the most difficult of human suffering takes its toll on those in the trenches. In these inimitable circumstances, the exposure can lead to direct traumas and/or vicarious trauma for the professional.  By working in law enforcement, fire sciences, emergency services, 911 operators, emergency room staff (including doctors and nurses), child welfare workers, and even psychotherapists, these professionals experience direct or secondary trauma from their work environment. Case conceptualization will be presented through the lens of the Adaptive Information Processing Model (AIP) adhering to the EMDR 8 phase protocol. Participants will learn how to develop a comprehensive treatment plan with methods for Resource Development Installation (RDI) and Cognitive Interweaves specific to first responders. This interactive workshop includes videos, and didactic material, to deepen participants’ understanding of how to implement EMDR and enhance their skills in working with first responders.


Fees:  $295 if received by February 15th, 2103
            $325 if received thereafter


Completion of EMDRIA-approved basic training required. If you did not receive your EMDR training from the EMDR Institute, please fax proof of completion to Susan Brown with your registration.

Current research is limited to application of EMDR to trauma-related disorders.

This workshop is held in facilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please notify Susan Brown if special accommodations are needed.

Attendance at the entire 2-day training is required in order to receive EMDRIA CEUs. No partial credit will be given.


14 Continuing Education Credits available as follows:

MFT, LCSW California Board of Behavioral Sciences, Provider # PCE4810

EMDRIA CEUs, provider # 10001

Psychologists: This program is co-sponsored by Sierra Tucson and Susan Brown. Sierra Tucson is approved by the APA to sponsor continuing education for psychologists; Sierra Tucson maintains responsibility for this program. & its content.

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